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      Miracle Tree (Moringa) Seed

      Miracle Tree (Moringa) Seed

      Regular price $15.00 USD
      Regular price $0.00 USD Sale price $15.00 USD
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      You will receive a package of 25 ORGANIC Miracle Tree (Moringa) Seeds

      Could a tree save your life?  Well, this is called the miracle tree of life and it quite possibly could!

      The Moringa Tree can grow with little water, has multiple times the amount of nutrients as oranges, carrots and milk.

      Moringa leaves are rich in these nutrients, with the added benefit of omega-3 fatty acids and a host of protective phytochemicals.

      A very healthy satisfying food that meets all nutritive needs. It is cheap to produce, can be cooked or eaten raw,

      As a vigorous hardy grower, it surprisingly does not require much water or soil nutrients once established. This makes it one of the most valuable tropical trees in terms of overall utility.

      Like the leaves, the flowers are edible when cooked, packed with calcium and potassium. As a bonus, they are not only incredibly fragrant, but also support native bee populations.

      The famed drumsticks contain all nine essential amino acids that humans must obtain exclusively from their diet. 

      Hidden within the drumsticks are even more remarkable seeds. Loaded with protein, they also contain special non-toxic polypeptides that act as natural Brita filters. When ground into powder and mixed with water, they cause sediments to clump together and settle out. Then when strained through a cloth, they provide cheap access to clean water. Amazingly, just two seeds are enough to purify a dirty liter.

      For such a versatile tree, it’s almost hard to believe that Moringa is easily grown via seeds or cuttings. 

      If you have harsh winters (like we do), you can grow them inside in a pot

      You will receive a package of 25 ORGANIC Miracle Tree (Moringa) Seeds

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