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      Cukierski Family

      Cukierski's Heirloom Mix

      Cukierski's Heirloom Mix

      Regular price $29.00 USD
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      I should actually call this the Whitman Francis and Wellsley Christine Heirloom Mix!

      Whitman is my 12th child and a jr. farmer, chef extraordinaire...I will be sharing his recipes.

      Wellsley Christine is my 4th child and only daughter. She is the lover of all animals (would make a wonderful veterinarian), phenomenal baker, green thumb, seed saver girl.

      Anyhoo...Whitman Francis packaged his sister's hand-selected, non-hybrid, non-GMO, open pollinated seed. Little brothers are good for! :)

      ***It is a delightful collection of 7 different seeds (anything from bean seeds to tomato seeds...they seed save them all!) and an additional surprise bonus pack of seeds we harvest and save from our gardens on our farm!***

      Up to a 10 year shelf life! Store in a cool, dry place.

      Packages will be shipped asap, as all seed has been packaged and is ready to head your way!

      Funds go to support The Pediatric Giving Mission

      Note: We can only ship to the USA


      (PS...those cuties in the picture are five of my boys in our corn field, yes...I know what you're thinking..corn!)


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