Catholic Prophecy Regarding Water

    Catholic Prophecy Regarding Water


    Dear family,

    Let us pray for all those in the path of Hurricane Milton, asking God to grant them protection and strength in this time of trial. May the Lord, through the intercession of Our Lady, guide them to safety and grant peace to their hearts.


    Catholic prophecy regarding water often connects to themes of purification, renewal, and even chastisement.

    Throughout Church history, numerous saints and mystics have shared visions and prophecies that involve water, particularly in the context of future tribulations.
    Here are a few:
    * The Prophecy of St. Hildegard of Bingen

    St. Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th-century German abbess and mystic, received visions that included warnings of future floods.

    She spoke of great upheavals in nature, where the elements of earth... air, fire, and water...would be instruments of both destruction and renewal.
    Her writings emphasized that floods and water-based disasters would precede a time of purification.

    * The Three Days of Darkness

    Prophecies related to the Three Days of Darkness often include references to elements and nature’s response to sin.

    This prophecy, suggests that widespread natural disasters will accompany the period of darkness, and water sources may become contaminated, forcing people to rely on miraculous means for survival.
    See more HERE

    * Our Lady of Akita (1973)

    In the apparitions at Akita, Japan, approved by the Church, Our Lady warned of worldwide chastisements if humanity did not repent.

    The prophecies mention great natural upheavals, water-based catastrophes could part of the purifying events.

    Water is a Symbol of Purification

    Water holds a central place in Catholic theology as a symbol of purification and new life, especially through the sacrament of baptism.

    Many Catholic prophecies view water in this dual role...both as an agent of destruction in times of divine chastisement and as a source for renewal and cleansing.

    Water in Catholic prophecy

    Water in Catholic prophecy is often viewed as a sign of both danger and hope, representing the trials humanity must face and the possibility of renewal and salvation.

    Whether through warnings of floods or droughts, or in the symbolism of purification, water serves as a powerful element in Catholic eschatology.

    Pray, pray, pray...especially the rosary..the most powerful weapon of all!


    Sending our love and prayers to our remnant family...Wendy, Walt and the entire Cukierski family

    (PS:  Catholic Spiritual Guidance Lessons for you, featuring writings from Rev. Fr. Kilian McGowan
    It's a spiritual lifesaver and you can read more HERE





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    It is recommended to have 1 bottle per family member, if possible.  You can get additional HERE



    ***They are still in great need!***
    For every meal you provide through our Pediatric Mission, we will match it with a meal for those in the hardest-hit areas of the hurricane(s).
    Head HERE




    Remedies from Heaven video 

    (scroll down when you get there)

    See HERE



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    Calendula Salve available HERE


    Good Samaritan Oil available HERE


    Oil of St. Michael available HERE


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    I can send you a hard copy of the natural plants and remedies given by Blessed Virgin Mary to treat diseases, pests, plagues and pandemics See HERE
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    -----From a physician we help...he sees to the medical needs of children no one else seems to be able to help ❤️-----





    We do what we say we do!

    I am begging for your help with The Pediatric Giving Mission.
    We will send you a gift for your help. 
    ---Some of the many wee ones we've helped---

    ---HELP IF YOU CAN----

    Here is a post, from a recipient of what we do,.

    L**** and I were one of the precipitants of This mission. She is right. My parking was 9 per day for 3 months. Then on top of that food cost me approximately 15 per day. That was cheap - I got vouchers for $5.00 per meal. So somedays I did not eat or made meals last for more then one meal. Had to. Parking was $810. Food was $1,300. Then you have normal household bills and I have 3 animals I had to pay to have people come and take care of them. At first I had my dog in the Kennel for 1/2 the time. That was about 500. It is VERY expensive to have a sick child. That was Just ONE hospital stay. We have had numerous ones. Some only a few days, some a week or two. Without their help we would of gone fully under!

    From providing necessary funds to actually having families stay with us...we DO what we say we do!







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