Daily Headlines

    The quality of the products are beyond compare.
    I have ordered rosaries, chaplets, other sacramentals, natural remedies and weight loss products over the years. I haven't been disappointed with anything that I have ordered. Delivery time is quick as is their response time if you have a question for them - Denise Tomooka Mantei


    I bless the day I found your whole family, you are so inspirational. Love your thoughts on forgiving and of course you make a lot of sense. Enjoy your Holy gifts you include in the orders. God Bless your whole family. -Peggy Knorr

    Have been a reader of Wendy's site for several years. It's a given every day for me to browse and soak up the wisdom and encouragement I find there. Would never have known many things had it not been for this little piece of grace among so many other clanging voices found online. Am forever grateful for having found it. Blessings on the Cukierski family.- Jane Cantu

    A beautiful Catholic family apostolate with a mission to promote faith, health and healing for the good of others and the greater glory of God.-Isabel Marcheselli

    This ministry has saved my life! They are a God Send in a non charitable world! They literally save thousands of lives with their Giving Mission that helps food banks across the U.S. And supplies funds for pediatric surgeries! Thank you Thank Thank You!!! - Darla Adlong
