Blessing On Medicine

    Blessing On Medicine

    The Roman Ritual presents the prayer below to ask God's blessing on medicine.


    V: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
    R: Who made heaven and earth.
    V: The Lord be with you.
    R: And with your spirit.

    Let us pray: O our God! You marvelously created man and more marvelously redeemed him. Please help with Your numerous aids the human condition in the land of Your children, who are always susceptible to diverse infirmities.

    Answer our prayers and bless these medicines (and medical instruments) so that everyone who uses them or is under their influence may enjoy the presence of Your providence in body and soul.

    You who, through Your Son Jesus Christ, healed so many infirmities, and who reigns with Him and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. (Sprinkle with Holy Water)