Dear family,
Prayer Before a Crucifix
Look down upon me,
good and gentle Jesus
while before Your face
I humbly kneel and,
with burning soul,
pray and beseech You
to fix deep in my heart
lively sentiments
of faith, hope, and charity;
true contrition for my sins,
and a firm purpose
of amendment.
While I contemplate,
with great love
and tender pity,
Your five most
precious wounds,
pondering over them
within me and
calling to mind
the words which David,
Your prophet, said to You,
my Jesus:
"They have pierced
My hands and My feet,
they have numbered
all My bones."
Sending our love and prayers to our remnant family...Wendy, Walt and the entire Cukierski family
(PS: The Catholic Spiritual Guidance Series is greatly reduced & available HERE
My book "Cook Your Way To Weight Loss is half price & available HERE )
---Buy 3, Get 3 FREE---
(Note: Must be 3 of the same item to qualify for another 3 for free )
Funds go to the Pediatric Giving Missions which provides for pediatric medical needs as well as other needs.
Good until Monday at 6:00 am (eastern)
***We will automatically add three more of the same item for every three you purchase***
Head on over here
Can we kindly get 15 meals provided?
Our daily goal is 15 meals and we rarely meet that goal, can you help us make goal today so we can continue to help feed the children and families in need?
God bless you for caring!
Urgent need to make up lacking funds for the Pediatric Giving Mission

I am begging for your help with The Pediatric Giving Mission.