I have a confession to make.
I haven't worn a brown scapular in a veeeery long time.
Today, a beautifully embroidered scapular arrived from a friend in France.
Just before this all happened, I was invited to a private group by a priest I greatly admire for his holy boldness.
It is a group that helps to form Catholic leaders.
It calls for our total surrender to God, in all areas of our lives, so we can lead others on their journey.
I accepted and then thought...why have I been so reluctant to give ALL areas of my life?
Why Wendy, why?!
Something inside of me shifted as I put on my new brown scapular, tears ran down my face.
Perfect timing, my most Blessed Mother❤
I'm here for you. Stay tuned, The Holy Spirit is moving.
I made a short recording for you, below.
Loved and blessings...Your sister in Christ, Wendy