One of my favorite hobbies is growing gardens inside my home.
During the hard "lockdown", we had fresh salads every day...thanks to my hobby :)
When gardening indoors, you ultimately control all aspects of the plant's growth and environment. You maintain its water, soil quality, etc.
A big plus is that your plants are not at the mercy of the weather or outside critters, and you'll hopefully have vegetables year-round.
I have grown lettuce (mostly Tom Thumb), microgreens, green onions, kale, radishes, pea sprouts, small peppers, small tomatoes, carrots, edible flowers and more...I even have a few sunflowers starting to grow...right in my kitchen.
However, growing edibles indoors does have its challenges, including a lack of light levels (I use window sills and fluorescent lights), pollinating insects (I use Q-tips for flowering plants), and wind (I use a fan).
Proper air circulation is vital for flooding the plant with carbon dioxide as well as pollinating any flowers...but a few small fans will take care of that.
I also prefer to grow my microgreens and pea sprouts on coconut coir or jute. I prefer not to use soil, if at all possible.
I do use a mixture of potting soil and vermiculite for plants such as radishes, tomatoes, peppers.
Growing inside isn't as expensive or as hard as many think.
I will be sharing more on how to do this...stay tuned!
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Sending our love and prayers to our remnant
family...Wendy & Walt and family