Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling

    (Audio below)

    We must remember that forgiveness is a decision.... it is definitely not a feeling.

    I've never experienced a case of the "warm fuzzies" after choosing to forgive someone.

    God asks us to forgive. We may still have feelings of dislike and anger even after we forgive, but we must forgive.

    Entrust your hurts and your emotions to Jesus. It's not uncommon to have to pray for the grace to transcend the pain.

    Holding on to the bitterness and hurt is a type of "pseudo power".... all it does is bind you up..physically, mentally & spiritually... it does absolutely nothing to help the situation that caused the pain! Let It Go!!!

    If you're hurting, can I ask that you not only forgive... but write down the names of those who have wounded you? I want you to ask Jesus to give a blessing to each of them. Yes, I know it's hard...but forgiveness always brings healing.

    Sometimes that healing doesn't come right away because forgiveness is a process . Persevere and keep praying..I will pray for you, too ♡

    Love and Blessings, Wendy C.

    "Healing Mind, Body & Soul"


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