Dear family,
Dreams do come true!
It was August 2020 and I listened to Sr. Dede Byrnes speak at the RNC.
I thought to myself...wow, a physician/Surgeon, nun, army trained...impressive!
Dear Lord, I would give anything to just chat with her for a few minutes.
Then, my friend invited me to a dinner party, Saturday evening. .. and guess who was there!!??!!
Sr. Dede!
I thought perhaps I'd get a minute or two to chat...instead she said "Wendy, let's go out to the kitchen and chat."
Several hours later...wow!
I truly was in the presence of a saint!
I was so in awe that I forgot to eat, so she said "You didn't eat yet, follow me"
She handed me a plate and made one for herself.
She is so very, very, very humble and maternal.
She then poured me a glass of wine
Before she left, I was blessed with the biggest hug.
Jesus knows our hopes and dreams and NOTHING is too big for Him to orchestrate!
Sending our love and prayers to our remnant family...Wendy, Walt and the entire Cukierski family
(PS: Catholic Spiritual Guidance Lessons for you, featuring writings from Rev. Fr. Kilian McGowan
It's a spiritual lifesaver and you can read more HERE
After prayer, instead of throwing my hands up, I have decided to ask for help (and will give you something in return)
1. If you can help the Pediatric Mission get from "critical" condition to "stable" and wish for nothing physical in return, you will receive Spiritual gifts instead...you will be remembered in our prayers and Masses will be offered for you!...Head HERE
2. If you would like something in return, I continue to add new items to raise funds for the Pediatric Mission... Head HERE
NEW Cayenne and Ginger Pain Stick
Exquisite Optical 3D Crystal Art of Our Blessed Mother (with light!)

I am begging for your help with The Pediatric Giving Mission.

Here is a post, from a recipient of what we do,.
L**** and I were one of the precipitants of This mission. She is right. My parking was 9 per day for 3 months. Then on top of that food cost me approximately 15 per day. That was cheap - I got vouchers for $5.00 per meal. So somedays I did not eat or made meals last for more then one meal. Had to. Parking was $810. Food was $1,300. Then you have normal household bills and I have 3 animals I had to pay to have people come and take care of them. At first I had my dog in the Kennel for 1/2 the time. That was about 500. It is VERY expensive to have a sick child. That was Just ONE hospital stay. We have had numerous ones. Some only a few days, some a week or two. Without their help we would of gone fully under!
From providing necessary funds to actually having families stay with us...we DO what we say we do!