“Hearken” – the first word in the Rule of St. Benedict....meaning to give heed or attention.
As an Oblate of the Order of St. Benedict, I have taken this word seriously for the almost 3 decades that our family has lived "The Rule", as it applies to the family.
St Benedict's time wasn't much different than our current time.
I always wondered why I was so drawn to him...in fact, I named one of my sons after him. One of my grandson's also has his name.
I have offered my life to God, and I can't shut up about what I see clearly transpiring.
Please, consider watching this short video by Fr. Goring.
As always, our entire family is here to give you hope & encouragement! We truly love you and pray for you daily! Never hesitate to send me a prayer request!
Sending our love and prayers to our remnant family...Wendy & Walt and family
(PS: Know that every time you purchase something on our website or help directly through the Pediatric Giving Missions, you are helping us help these families in desperate need. Kindly consider telling folks about us and pray about becoming a monthly donor. You will be prayed for DAILY and a candle will be lit every day for YOU!)