Dear family,
Never has a generation been so materially secure yet so spiritually restless.
Though we have fewer hardships than our ancestors, we are burdened with more unease and anxiety.
While past generations toiled with calloused hands, our suffering is more invisible...a furrowed brow, a restless heart, a soul wound too deep for the world’s remedies.
The pioneers that made our country great collapsed from physical exhaustion, but we are paralyzed by mental exhaustion.
They fought against the elements...we fight against mental anxiety.
We are steeped in our own worries, not because we lack food, shelter, or comfort, but because we have forgotten where our true security lies.
Many today believe that if we simply provide enough resources...better education, better healthcare, better technology...then all human suffering will be alleviated.
That if we have the perfect body, the soul will follow.
But history shows us otherwise.
The more we turn inward, seeking peace in ourselves, the more anxious we become.
True peace is not found in abundance, nor in distraction, nor even in self-mastery...it is found only in God!
Christ did not say, “Come to me, all you who are comfortable and well-fed, and I will give you luxury.”
No, He said: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Rest...not the world’s shallow version of rest, but the rest of a soul surrendered to its Creator.
***Perhaps the reason we are the most anxious generation is that we are also the most distant from God.***
If we try to create a world where He is unnecessary, we will build not Utopia, but a new Babel...a world high with achievements but hollow in spirit, destined to collapse under the weight of its own vanity.
The cure for "general" anxiety is not more comfort, but more faith (there are many types of anxiety...I break it all down in my online course)
A return, not to primitive hardship, but to spiritual depth.
A rediscovery of the simple yet life-changing truth:
"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You." – St. Augustine
Sending our love and prayers to our remnant family...Wendy, Walt and the entire Cukierski family
(PS: The Catholic Spiritual Guidance Series is greatly reduced & available
My book "Cook Your Way To Weight Loss is half price & available HERE )
Calendula Seeds available HERE
Calendula Salve available HERE
Good Samaritan Oil available HERE
Oil of St. Michael available HERE
Fumitory is now available HERE

Can you buy a family a meal?
If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? -James 2:16
-----From a physician we help...he sees to the medical needs of children no one else seems to be able to help

We will send you a gift for your help.
---Some of the many wee ones we've helped---
Here is a post, from a recipient of what we do,.
L**** and I were one of the precipitants of This mission. She is right. My parking was 9 per day for 3 months. Then on top of that food cost me approximately 15 per day. That was cheap - I got vouchers for $5.00 per meal. So somedays I did not eat or made meals last for more then one meal. Had to. Parking was $810. Food was $1,300. Then you have normal household bills and I have 3 animals I had to pay to have people come and take care of them. At first I had my dog in the Kennel for 1/2 the time. That was about 500. It is VERY expensive to have a sick child. That was Just ONE hospital stay. We have had numerous ones. Some only a few days, some a week or two. Without their help we would of gone fully under!
From providing necessary funds to actually having families stay with us...we DO what we say we do!