Bring on 2020!

    I am looking forward to 2020.

    The decade I leave behind taught me many lessons, most were extremely painful.

    I lost favorite Uncles, my Godfather, my mother and both grandmothers, a sister in love, I lost my baby...I lost so many.

    I lost family relationships and friendships.

    I dealt with a deadly disease...but I won!

    I also lost my faith at one point.

    It wasn't all bad though. I regained my faith I was set on fire!

    It was also a decade that I lost over 100 pounds and have kept it off.

    It was a decade of so many things, but I now CHOOSE to count my blessings! YOU are one of them!

    Remember, God uses everything...our suffering is never wasted!

    I made you a short recording, below.

    Bring on 2020!

    Love and blessings...Your sister in Christ, Wendy

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