(*You can listen to the audio version of this, below. I had to record it several times as I cried through the first several times. I do understand..I do care!)
I understand those who have dealt with the pain of rejection, sickness, addictions or being hurt by others in any way shape or form.
It can have long lasting consequences.
These "hurts" or "issues" have a funny way of lingering and hanging in our past and present.
Several years ago, I decided to give my "hurts" and "issues" to God and let Him use them. Obviously, He let certain things happen for a reason...
You know what He did? He gave me "beauty" for my "ashes"! (Isaiah 61:3)
He created something beautiful out of what was a horrible situation of rejection, betrayal, misunderstanding and "other things" that nearly drove me to the point of giving up.
I guess the point I want to make is that any situation can be changed around for HIS good!
I get to lift others up now because I know how it feels. I wouldn't now how it felt to be obese, hurt, addicted to certain things, rejected, betrayed, broke or misunderstood if I hadn't lived through it. Operative word..lived!
God can restore you. God can heal your pain. God can use your pain!
If you read my newsletters from the past (I've been around for 18 years, btw!) you will notice a different "tone". I wasn't a happy camper. I was full of pain.
God showed me that I needed to live a joy-filled life...no matter what the circumstances. That I needed to forgive those who hurt me and had to forgive myself as well. I had to "move on"!
He showed me that I didn't have to be a victim...I could be victorious! I remember in 2008 when someone on a forum called me a "victim"! I was so seething mad..I wanted to slap him..and then all of a sudden, I said HE IS RIGHT! Damn it..HE IS RIGHT (yes, I just said damn it...the milder version of what I actually said :) I thanked him profusely!
I realized I didn't have to be miserable and that God could heal my hurts and other "issues"!
My life is now filled with happiness even on the darkest of days.
God has brought, and is still bringing, HEALING to my soul...and He is going to use my story to heal others..I have no doubt. I've dealt with issues that no one has a clue about...but..one day will.
If you are dealing with your own personal "hell" at the moment...no matter how big or small...God is ready to heal you!
He brings you to it and through it! I"m living proof!
It says so in the Bible....He binds up the brokenhearted and comforts all those who mourn (Isaiah 61:1-2)
The whole healing thing is a process...so be patient. I'm still healing..but..am joy filled as it is happening!
Pray, pray, pray! Trust Him!
God can restore anything or anyone! If you are sick, in a bad relationship, been stabbed in the back by close friends or family, marriage failing, abused physically or sexually, children fallen away from Christ, addiction of any kind....God is there. He WILL heal!
Do not let your pain define you. I'm not letting my pain define me. I refuse!
I am here to help you walk through the healing process.
Remember always that you can defeat pain from the past and present. Let God's amazing power create something beautiful out of your painful situation.
I am here for you! ((hugs))
"Mom of 13" - Your Mommy Health and Happiness Practitioner!
Love and Blessings, Wendy C.
"Healing Mind, Body & Soul"
( PS...Please, come join me daily over at: https://www.facebook.com/MomOf13 I love interacting with everyone!)
(PPS...Before you go..don't forget to sign up for our FREE CATHOLIC SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE SERIES!
Guidance by our friend the late Fr. Kilian McGowan. Head over here for a life changing experience...our gift!
This is my husband, Walt...the man who has stood by my side for 30 years....through the good times and the bad times.
I have had many, many trials in my life and he has been there and helped me through every single one of them!