I have a 4 step process I use.
1 - PLACE IT IN GOD'S HANDS. I first place whatever the situation is in God's hands. I surrender it totally to Him and ask Him to guide me every inch of the way.
2- PRAY. I pray, pray, pray. During prayer I always, always gain insight. When we pray we not only quit being anxious, the still small voice can speak to us! We have to silence our minds to "hear".
3- GET YOUR RADAR GOING. I get my radar going! I become super alert to whatever it is that is being sent my way. Certain
situations, people or circumstances. God sometimes works in the most unexpected ways...so..be alert to every situation! Treat every encounter as a sacred encounter. Yes, that may sound weird..but..every person I meet I know God has intended me to meet at that moment.

4- GIVE UP BEING A CONTROL FREAK. I have no clue what will happen next. Giving up control is so hard for me. I'm a control freak. Yet I have come to realize that God's will for whatever the situation is, is far superior to mine..after all He is God and I am not :)
May God's will be done.
So..there you have my secret "What am I supposed to do" formula. It has never failed me because God is not just part of the equation, He's the full equation :)
May God bless you ..you are like family to me!
Love and Blessings, Wendy C.
"Mom of 13" - Your Mommy Health and Happiness Practitioner!
( PS...I would love to have you come join me daily over at: https://www.facebook.com/MomOf13 I love interacting with everyone! See you there! :)