I've known women in their 50's and 60's who weren't prepared for their "calling" until that late in life. One became a nun, one became a doctor, etc.
I suppose certain vessels take longer than others to prepare. That's how it is/was in my case. I'm sure I'm not alone. My first calling has been that of wife and mother..and always will be...but...my "now the kids are out of diapers" calling is that of helping others heal.
We must all pray that we be used. That our hands, feet and intellect be used to the Glory of God. We must empty ourselves to
serve a higher purpose.

I must admit I was a bit nervous when I knew with every fiber of my being that the Lord was changing things up. There was no doubt that He was calling me to use my knowledge and love of natural medicine. It's what I live and breathe...It's my passion.
I think we should all be ready to do His Will and not afraid of what others may think of those changes. It's easier said than done...but it can be done. :)
We also need to be less concerned about our own "readiness" and more aware of His timing. God's timing is always perfect.
Are we willing to just do and trust? Pray and surrender. Do not be afraid.
Love and Blessings, Wendy C.
"Healing Mind, Body & Soul"
( PS...Please, come join me daily over at: https://www.facebook.com/MomOf13 I love interacting with everyone!)
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