Be kind to unkind people - They need it most!

    I've been trying to catch up on emails today and I swear some folks must have woke up and gargled with vinegar. lol.


    I think they try to get a "reaction" out of me....and they of LOVE! 


    I extend kindness and love and 99% of the time it works and we end up as friends.   Granted, I think I ran into the other 1% today.  ;)

  person wrote:

    "You think you can save the world?!  You think the Bible is really up to date?  We live in a different world.  You always quote that stupid Philippians 4:13.  Move a mountain then.  You're a dumb blond and it shows."


    Wow, no warm fuzzies there! LOL :)   I did write them a nice and loving note and received a nasty note in reply.  Hey, I tried.


    Anyhoo..right after that lovely note, I received an email from an anonymous person and all it said was: "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. Your daily emails have saved me from the pit of despair and self pity.  Please, don't quit. You have no idea how much you are needed."



    So..why do I mention all of this? 

    Maybe some of you would have answered the disgruntled person with anger. 

    Yet, that doesn't work and although sometimes being nice doesn't least you are doing what Jesus would do! 


    Being angry and nasty to someone only makes you the same. 

    You sow what you I'm very careful about what kind of seed I toss out there! :)


    Love and Blessings, Wendy C.

    "Healing Mind, Body & Soul"




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