I've been trying to see Jesus in all things and all people.
I'd like to say it's been easy..but it hasn't. There are times (lots of times) that I'd rather be disgruntled over things such as cantankerous people, dirty socks on the floor and sitting on wet toilet seats
(yes, I just said that).
Earlier today... my youngest came out of the bathroom and I rushed right in after him
(I drink a lot of water daily...perhaps TMI)
Anyhoo...I made the mistake of not looking before ...well, you know...
I wanted to scream! I stopped, prayed and thought..hmmm...no, Wendy. Go find him and ask him why. That is what Jesus would do.
He wouldn't start screaming!
I did find my little guy and I asked him why the potty seat was all wet.
He said, "Because I'm not tall enough, mommy". <gulp>
So, happy I didn't shout at him. So happy I prayed about it first!
I now realize that prayer between daily events is not how I should live my life.
I should be living my daily life between prayers :)
Jesus is listening...let's keep the conversation going!
May God bless you for your love and kindness...you are like family to me!
Love and Blessings, Wendy C.
"Mom of 13" - Your Spiritual Cheerleader serving up a side of inspiration with a bit of humor :)