Why did God allow that to happen to me?

    (Note: If you prefer, I have made an audio for you, below :)
    I see it all around me..even with my most devout Catholic friends.  They don't recognize God's will in everything that happens.  They toss their believe in Divine Providence out the window.  Yet...I can't help but to think of Romans 8:28.  God allows all that takes place to work for the good of those who love Him.


    I have had enough hardship in my life, to know that it is easy to forget this.  I've cried out more than I care to admit, "Why God, WHY?!?!"

    I get it.  It's hard...but, it is necessary to have eyes that see God's will in our life.

    Almost every day I get asked, "Is it God's will that little kids get sick and die, that people suffer from poverty..."

    No..this is NOT God's will.  It has everything to do with our own free will.

    God commands us to love one another..yet, many times we don't.  He uses their hateful and evil actions to become a part of His plan.

    Let me give you a painful example.  A few years ago, a very close family member did something so evil I find it hard to speak about (yet, I will one day).  A horrible situation ended up turning in our favor.  Was this God's will?  No..but..the entire situation brought me (and my husband and all my children!) closer to the faith!

    God did NOT will for this person to do what she did..but..He knew the consequences it would have in our lives.  He willed that we grow from the evilness of what was done....and we did!  We flourished!

    Sometimes we have difficulty recognizing it as being allowed by Him because it is being administered by other people. 

    As Augustine put it, "Nothing happens that the Almighty does not will should happen, either by permitting it or by himself doing it."

    No matter how difficult or painful of a situation you are going through..know that there is a reason for it...even if you don't see it now.


    If you would like to hear the audio I recorded for you of this message, hit the orange play button, below! :)

    Love and Blessings, Wendy C.

    "Healing Mind, Body & Soul"




    ( PS...Please, come join me daily over at:  https://www.facebook.com/MomOf13 I love interacting with everyone!)


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