In my difficulties, help me.
From enemies of my soul, save me.
In my errors, enlighten me.
In my doubts and pains, comfort me.
In my solitude, be with me.
In my diseases, invigorate me.
When others despise me, encourage me.
In temptations, defend me.
In difficult hours, strengthen me.
With your paternal heart, love me.
From enemies of my soul, save me.
In my errors, enlighten me.
In my doubts and pains, comfort me.
In my solitude, be with me.
In my diseases, invigorate me.
When others despise me, encourage me.
In temptations, defend me.
In difficult hours, strengthen me.
With your paternal heart, love me.
And,into your arms, when I die, receive me. Amen.
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Love and Blessings, Wendy C.
"Healing Mind, Body & Soul"
( PS...Please, come join me daily over at:Â https://www.facebook.com/MomOf13 I love interacting with everyone!)
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