Gratitude Brings Miracles!

    It was such a beautiful day and I spent most of it outside with the kids.

    When they asked me to roll down the hill with them, they were waiting for my usual, "I'm too old for that!"

    Instead, I surprised them and joined them.  Yes, I rolled down the steep hill.

    I guess I've learned a few things over the past few months of "reflecting". 

    You're only as old as you feel, we ALWAYS have something to be grateful for, those who are grateful always find more things to be grateful for (God is listening!) and we must live in the moment and not let fear rule us.

    We should be grateful just for the privilege of living!

      When we spend time thanking God (out loud is best!) for all our blessings (even if it's just a new pair of socks!) you will find your life will grow increasingly happier! 

    So..why is gratitude so powerful?
    Because it recharges the soul!  When we are grateful we are focusing on all that is good and all good things come from God :) 

    Today I thanked God for good health!  It was only a year ago that  I was wondering if I'd lose my ability to walk!  Now, I'm walking, swimming, playing baseball with the kids and rolling down hills!

     I'm planning on sneaking Walt away for his birthday and going jet skiing!  So grateful I'm healed!

    Embrace'll witness miracles!  I promise!

    Love and blessings, Wendy C. May God bless all of you!  You are like family to me...I send my love and prayers!
    Wendy C.

    "Mom of 13"  - Your Mommy Health and Happiness Practitioner!




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